Delete Porn Files Automatically- Clean your hard drive

Modern porn analysis technologies available to the public

It is only in recent times that the technology in forensic analysis tools has become available for use by the general public, in the form of advanced scanning and analysis software. A number of these tools have freely downloadable drive cleaner demos available for evaluation, including products like Media Detective and Snitch. These tools are at the forefront of home scanning software and provide a range of functions including image and video inspection to identify porn and or inappropriate files, text inspection to identify files that contain suspicious keywords, internet history examination, the list goes on.

Once suspect files have been identified, a cleanup process begins where the user can delete porn interactively and clean up any other suspicious or undesirable items. In depth tests can also be performed on compressed zip files and other archive formats.

These drive cleaning tools are just a few of the available options; for enterprise applications products exist like PinPoint Auditor which have more advanced network-compatible functions, for remote scanning of client systems, report generation, and other functions specifically used in enterprise networks.